Tuesday, 8 January 2008

A Positive Look Into 2008

Well, 2007 was really a mixed bag! On the positive side some very influential researchers made it clear that they were looking very hard at the possibilities of using Cerebellar Development to transform children’s lives. On the negative side those with vested interests seemed to dig their heels in even harder.

So, what does that mean for 2008? My hope and expectation is that the research results and thousands of wonderful case studies will spread the word to the millions who are currently unaware that you don’t have to live with problems such as; poor reading, poor concentration, poor physical co-ordination and low self-esteem – something can be done to help!

Let’s hope that the Government policy makers hear about it and act on it in 2008. It should be painfully obvious to them that their actions in recent years has had very little impact on the lives of children and families affected by learning issues, and that it is time to try something that really works.

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