Thursday, 4 October 2007

Undiagnosed Dyslexia in the UK

Two million people in the UK are “undiagnosed dyslexics”. Some argue this might be a gross understatement, they may be right. I actually see it in reverse - “Two million people in the UK with undiscovered potential”! I can’t wait for the day when everyone realises that poor reading is usually a mask for significant intellectual capacity, something we can now release.

So, let’s stop spreading negativity and let’s point out the hidden potential.


ana said...

I am a medical doctor and mother of a 12years old boy on the first weeks of the Dore program for dyslexia. I have the utmost interest in opening a center here in Lisbon, Portugal. In Portugal there is litle help for children with learning disorders and I think that your program will be a sucess.
For us it's nice to go to London every 6 weeks but you can realize that it's very expensive and hard.
For the majority of portuguese children it would be impossible to go to the UK every 6 weeks.
What can I do to talk with you about this?
Ana Isabel Belo

Therese said...

Hi I am Maltese and a mother of an eleven year old boy who is severely dyslexic. His reading and writing age has stuck at 6.5 years and would not budge no matter what. This year he has started secondary school and no help is being provided so all of you who have tried to comfort and reassure a child can understand what the whole family is going through. His anger is so great that it feels that my lovely son is fading away and this very angry adult is emerging. I visit your site from time to time hoping that a centre here might one day open (Malta being in the centre if the Mediterranean). You must believe me when I say that parents and individuals would love to have this programme available and I can personally introduce you to professional people who would love to improve the situation in Malta. I do hope I hear from you.


Math's Mam said...

It is great to hear that a medical doctor has put their child on the programme, as some people seem think that any non-medical people are desparate parents who will try anything and don't have a brain to think things through. I hope Wynford gets a centre in every country eventually.