Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Dyslexia Awareness Month

When will we get our priorities right? Dyslexia is an enormous issue, those who experience the problem do need all the “awareness” they can get. So few people know what causes it and hardly anyone knows what can be done about it.

A couple of weeks ago I was in Boston, USA during the “ADHD Awareness Day”, but sadly it didn’t get a single mention in the press, yet O J Simpson managed to take up at least 75% of news time over the whole day!

Here’s to October multiplying the number of people who start to understand this big concern.


eraina said...

GRRRRR makes me want to blitz every newspaper/media station and school with an awareness package!!!!

Math's Mam said...

This is the first mention I've heard of it! Madning

Abigail said...

i am someone who is dyslexic and no one ever seems to know what it is. this is so sad. : (