Friday, 5 October 2007

The theory behind sport development

We are always being asked how the Dore Programme helps sporting skills - here’s the shorter answer. The cerebellum is the skill centre of the brain, it co-ordinates the brain’s ability to link mental and physical tasks together. With reading this involves the process of eye tracking and phonological understanding. With sport it is the ability of the brain to link eye movement with foot movement (to kick a ball for instance).

The cerebellum is the clever part that “hard wires” these skills. What Dore does is improve the areas of the cerebellum that are not fully developed. So whether it is improved reading skills or improved sporting skills, this exercise programme is targeting the precise area that can make all the difference.

Because of the amazing success we have seen in elite and amateur athletes (Paul Nixon who had a wonderful debut playing cricket for England at the age of 36, Kenny Logan who asserts that he had the best years of his professional career after the Dore Programme, Tom Rees who made an incredible rise into the English Rugby Team after doing the Dore Sport Programme, the list goes on). So, after some thrilling trials we are going to make it official - the Dore Programme can improve learning and sporting performance. For amateur and elite athletes we will be announcing a specialised Dore Sport Programme. Let’s hope a few Olympic athletes do it before next year!


Tina said...

Do you really think Dore Sport will work? I mean one of the reasons old Dore worked is because parents of children were so desperate, they would try anything, however likely it would work. With sports people, that desperation isnt there.

How much is it?

eraina said...

Old Dore works because it changes the way the cerrebellum works..nothing to do with the desperation of parents? I think, however, rather than insinuating all Dores clients are parents who simply are so gullable they will try anything, you are refering to the marketing techniques? A lot of sports people would/could/have benefited from the DoreSport programme,the proof of the pudding is in the eating....Im sure the premiership football clubs that use Dore have seen improvements (judging by the scores of late)and of course will go along way to prove the doubting TOMas's wrong....However there will always be those who dont want others to get the help that they could..anyone would think it was coming out of their pockets!!! Really makes me wonder why???

Wynford Dore said...

I have to confess that Dore Sport is working far better than we ever dreamed. We know that the original Dore Programme is very effective at developing the brain’s ability to co-ordinate physical and mental tasks, and we had seen this bring out all sorts of sporting skills in children who had come through the programme because of their dyslexic symptoms.

But the results we are getting in sportsmen at the highest level is quite amazing. The other wonderful thing is that all these elite athletes are very happy to give us so much credit for how we have helped them.

The great stories from Tom Rees (England rugby player), Paul Nixon (England cricket player), Euan Murray (Scottish rugby player) that have hit the headlines goes to prove that even at the highest level sportsmen can find that extra vital “few per cent”.

If any is in doubt they should go along to one of the Presentation Evenings that these sportsmen offer to do for us so that they can hear the story for themselves, you will end up as amazed as I am.

Tina said...

"The other wonderful thing is that all these elite athletes are very happy to give us so much credit for how we have helped them."

Do you pay them?

Wynford Dore said...

It's actually the other way round, althetes pay us to go on the Dore Sport programme.

eraina said...


Go figure!!!

Jeez...some people....*rolls eyes*

Math's Mam said...

Boy Tina are you blunt! Have you got a problem with Dore?

JeanLaninga said...

I would be interested to know, out of annoying curiosity, as a mother with a child in the program, how the DoreSport program is the same, and how it is different from the CDD therapy. Are the sets pulled from the same database as the CDD program, or have they been developed a little differently? Also, how long is a participant generally in the sports program?

Wynford Dore said...

The Dore Sport programme draws from a much larger database, principally because sportsmen who are used to training can cope with a much larger level of sensory stimulation than others. Quite often the exercises are more strenuous than the average child or adult could deal with. It’s early days in the Sport programme to comment on how long participants take to go through it, but it looks like it is going to be between 5-10 months. The underlying principles are the same, we don’t focus on those areas of the cerebellum that are highly developed, the Programme is very personalised to build up those areas where further development is possible.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Im Looking for interst parson who can develop Maldives cricket to Take IPL standard. this along term investment.