Friday, 19 October 2007

Is Obesity More Common If You Have Learning Issues?

We have been asked this question a number of times - it would be a very exciting research project if somebody wants to do it! “Comfort eating” is something we tend to do when we are in overload, which itself is often caused by lack of automaticity, in some physiological process.
It would be logical to argue that someone who has a tendency to be impulsive is likely to give little thought to the consequences of the food they are eating.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a research project done in a school where truancy, obesity, bullying etc. are all measured to see if there is any link with the development of the cerebellum? It could be a great project for Jamie Oliver!


Math's Mam said...

That would be an interesting study, don't kow if there's necesarily a connectio. My son eats as much chocolate as he can get his hand's on (takes after me), but he is still like a twiglet!

Anonymous said...

That is strange Wynford because this was one question I posed to one of your staff on the phone.
Both my children have had problems with weight and have always seemed to comfort eat. Leila since doing Dore has become much more aware of her weight and does not see the need to eat to access, where Kieran pre Dore eats as though it will be his last meal!!!!
Many of the earlier Dore children I followed through the media etc were built very much like my two children. So for me there has always been the thought that obesity could be related to CDD due to the childs ?comfort eating etc. Like you say it would be interesting if someone did research whether there is a link. Ellie XXX

eraina said...

rather than it be related to 'comfort eating' could it be linked to the area of the brain that controls appetite/metabolism? Jordan is always HUNGRY!!! he eats as much as the adults in our house and 20mins later is hungry ...but luckily is stick thin..(like a greyhound!!)

amypaige1999 said...

I too have an 'eater'. However, we think it could be that she is always in motion and burns it up as fast as she takes it in. I do see her eat for comfort at times and am happy for her that she continues to burn it up.
I would imagine any issue that a child/person has could cause them to take solice in food....CDD being no different.