Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Children Suffering From “Deep Anxiety” Over Modern Life

No surprise to parents and teachers here!
Many children that experience this are likely to be struggling with every day skills like reading, concentration and co-ordination. Usually they are very bright but are underperforming in their school work. Their self-esteem becomes damaged because often they are told that they are thick or lazy, when in fact the opposite is true.

I can’t wait for the day when the labels such as, dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD spell out that a child almost certainly has wonderful hidden talents. This would be in stark contrast to the negativity that surrounds these labels today.

We have a long way to go, but now we are gaining a much better understanding about what causes these symptoms and how these symptoms exist in those that are very intelligent “underneath” - a solution is insight. We ought to be providing all the training possible to teachers and parents so that they understand what is going on in the minds of children.

I’m a big fan of teachers worldwide - they do an amazing job. It’s not their fault that, in virtually every country, training for mainstream education only includes the smallest amount of time on learning difficulties. This is despite the fact that often teachers have to cope with learning issues in 20% of their class.

Perhaps someone will give these ideas a try and see if it takes away some of that “deep anxiety”.


eraina said...

its not only the lack of knowledge and understanding from teachers. Its the pressure put on these childen through SAT's etc , which lets face it are only designed for girls and NT kids (*awaits backlash*)We trust our children to these people everyday, when, if a 'childminder' spoke to our kids the way some teachers do we'd sack them there and then. I distinctly remember J coming home in tears after swimming class at school because the HEADMASTER had humiliated him (predore) in front of the whole class, with a tirade of abuse, including calling him, 'slowcoach' 'the stupidest boy in the school''always last, every time' 'its about time you could get dressed faster' etc etc... The head master was greeted by one unhappy mummy the next morning, armed with a copy of the Codes of Practice for SEN and a copy of the Disability Discrimination Act for perusal 'at his leisure' and a written letter of complaint explaining that whilst Jordan had Dyspraxia, he was NOT deaf, nor made of stone and whilst it may have been acceptble to speak to children in that manner when he was at school it no longer was and any repeat of remarks of this nature would result in me consulting a lawyer regarding a possible breach of the Disability Descrimination code (let alone the Every child matters Policy).*breathes* whilst I accept that teachers too are under alot of pressure some people are just assholes. Anyhow as J managed to get the HIGHEST mark out of the WHOLE school year in his YR4 English Comprehension paper (18mths POST DORE) last term I think that serves as a big 'up yours' to that headmaster and proof that the potential is always there, it just needs unlocking!!!

eraina said...

its not only the lack of knowledge and understanding from teachers. Its the pressure put on these childen through SAT's etc , which lets face it are only designed for girls and NT kids (*awaits backlash*)We trust our children to these people everyday, when, if a 'childminder' spoke to our kids the way some teachers do we'd sack them there and then. I distinctly remember J coming home in tears after swimming class at school because the HEADMASTER had humiliated him (predore) in front of the whole class, with a tirade of abuse, including calling him, 'slowcoach' 'the stupidest boy in the school''always last, every time' 'its about time you could get dressed faster' etc etc... The head master was greeted by one unhappy mummy the next morning, armed with a copy of the Codes of Practice for SEN and a copy of the Disability Discrimination Act for perusal 'at his leisure' and a written letter of complaint explaining that whilst Jordan had Dyspraxia, he was NOT deaf, nor made of stone and whilst it may have been acceptble to speak to children in that manner when he was at school it no longer was and any repeat of remarks of this nature would result in me consulting a lawyer regarding a possible breach of the Disability Descrimination code (let alone the Every child matters Policy).*breathes* whilst I accept that teachers too are under alot of pressure some people are just assholes. Anyhow as J managed to get the HIGHEST mark out of the WHOLE school year in his YR4 English Comprehension paper (18mths POST DORE) last term I think that serves as a big 'up yours' to that headmaster and proof that the potential is always there, it just needs unlocking!!!