Here are a few suggestions for you Gordon.
1 Stop blaming teachers for poor literacy - it isn’t their fault.
2 Make sure that teachers have more than a total of half a day’s training on learning difficulties. 20% of the children they are going to teach struggle with different learning styles, up to 80% of their time can be spent dealing with them and yet we spend less than 1% of their training time on it - crazy!
3 Do some research on how exercise programmes, like the Dore Programme, can work together with good teaching and get results that you have never dreamed of (they would really be world class!)
4 Develop a totally different vision for SENCOs - instead of SENCOs only being given enough time and resource to get struggling children “on to the bottom rung of the ladder” develop a much more appropriate measure. We could develop programmes that get children “to where they could have been had they never had a problem”. To achieve this you will need to recognize that many children with learning difficulties have enormous talents and often their symptoms are simply a thinly veiled mask to a creative genius.
It is quite possible, of course, that Gordon intends to do all this - let’s hope.
Wynford, have you seen the recent report by Bishop from Oxford University, I wonder what our Premier would make of it?
Its interesting, not just because its another text dismissing your program, but because it actually tries to make sense of the data (something the authors neglected). It actually shows that there was no difference pre and post treatment between the treated and control group...
yet another wonderful insight from 'Tina' who has obviously completed the programme and not seen any improvements? or prehaps there is another reson 'tina' is so anti-dore? please share with us tina your problem with the dore programme..there obviously IS one? I have walking talking living proof the dore programme works, as do many the Bishop of oxford paid by a Pharmacutical company per chance? are you tina? I would love to hear WHY you are so dismissive of Dore you must have a reason based on personal experience, as no one would be so narrow minded WITHOUT it, unless they are a 'sheep' of the number crunching brigade.
"Tina," Dr. Bishop's commentary/editorial of the studies done by Dore in now way actually dismisses the treatment program, if you have read it. She is purely commenting on the studies themselves NOT THE THERAPY itself. There are actually many bona fide research articles that address the benefits of vestibular therapy to those with the conditions that Dore treats. Perhaps Premier would be more convinced by those? Perhaps Premier would be more convinced by talking personally with parents who have seen their children blossom as Eraina and I have and can show "proof" in the school records and testimonials of the teachers and assistance who work with our children.
I also have the proof that Dore is a beneficial treatment in my son, and will not stand silently by to those who have no personal experience with the program nor credentials to state what they do,fabricate misinformed statements from articles, commentaries, and editorials, and show no regards to the frustrations and difficulties of our children when there is a better way to address those where the SEN systems have failed.
Tina like some others you miss the point completely, Yet again the voices of those who have seen the changes in their children is ignored.
For what ever reason we are considered as unreliable evidence by those who wish to spread their own agenda's as to why they do not want Dore to succeed.
All of us who have posted here and on the forums are just as dedicated to get the word about Dore through, so that other children will benefit.
All of us who have seen success should be listened to and believed because with our stories and those who follow, it will show there is a answer for all children who have learning difficulties.
Instead of finding negative press about Dore look at the children whose lives have been changed for ever through the treatment.
These are our future generation who are now saving the said government money because they are no longer needing help at school.They will be able to make their own way in life. Isn't that what the ultimate aim is, so celebrate instead of looking for holes in a treatment you have no real experience on.
lol at Bishop OF oxford...I should be on Dore..skipping words like that...tsk tsk... I noticed a very similar post about the same thing on YouTube by JuddTom.Gosh what a shocking coincidence!!! I wonder.. lol
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