Wednesday, 20 June 2007

43 Dore Centres around the world and growing fast!

Every day the question comes "When are you opening in ...................... ". It really hurts us that we are not able to be everywhere - because the need is everywhere. We are opening as many centres as we can around the world - at the last count it is over 40 with lots more planned for this next year. But we are not yet scratching the surface of the real need.

Not a day goes by without a parent contacting me saying "When can we open in Poland/Canada/Glasgow, etc.". On the one hand it is really nice that folk as so thrilled with what we are achieving that they want to help bring a Dore Centre to their own community to help all the others for whom the travel is impossible (we are now working hard on a plan to make it possible for us to work closer with all these parents that want to help bring a Dore Centre to their town - so if you are interested please drop me an email). On the other hand most of these enquiries up 'til now we have had to put on hold because the cost of equipment, the cost of training, etc., etc., is beyond the realms of possibility. If only Gordon Brown could work out what it would mean to the economy to provide the Dore Programme in every school this would no longer be an issue.


amypaige1999 said...

My aunt has a private school in Omaha, NE (US) for the learning disabled and is so frustrated by all the work they do with the kids and the slow progress. She so hopes for a Dore center there one day.
I myself feel so blessed to live in a Dore city and have had my daughter 'Doreing' for 13 weeks now! Grapevine TX center.

cindy said...

I'm considering putting my 8 year old son, diagnosed with Dyslexia, ADD and a language expressive/receptive disorder, in the Dore program, but was wondering if anyone has gone through the program while doing biofeedback therapies in parallel. We have been doing biofeedback for awhile now and have seen some significant results. I would hate to have to stop it in order to participate in the Dore program.

Miss Emilie Anne said...

I have been through the Dore programme and aware of the concept of biofeedback but haven't used it. With how the Dore programme works I really doubt that your son would have to stop doing biofeedback.