The recent news items claiming that people with ADHD can be dangerous is a dreadful misconception. On the one hand a significant proportion of those in prison do have ADHD, but it is absolutely not true to say that most people with ADHD end up in prison. ADHD is a very real condition that is often caused by overloading brain circuitry. The brighter you are often means there is more going on in the brain circuitry and therefore it is more likely that the brain will go into overload. Most people with ADHD find very effective ways of coping with this overload. Sadly, however, some don’t.
If you are wondering whether it can be helped? Yes, the great news is, it can. Scientific research has shown that 85% of those classified as ADHD can become declassified at the end of the Dore Programme.
Recently I was at an industry convention with 400 industry leaders, it amazed me how such a high proportion of them showed signs of poor attention, most admitted to very rarely picking up a book to read for pleasure and so on. Did many of them have ADHD? Probably yes. Were many of them very bright and successful? Absolutely yes.
So to label those people with ADHD as dangerous is completely inappropriate.